B O A T Co
A stone's throw from the river Thames in the Oxfordshire countryside, Jack Livesey has been building and restoring wooden boats since 2015. We work closely with our clients to understand their motivation and passion. This can be as complex as the detail on a replica vessel or as simple as which way a door opens.
Replica Bugatti You-You
Our most recent project is four identical replicas of a range of launches originally built by Bugatti in the 1940s. Constructed from two layers of mahogany planking and splined fir decking, our interpretation boasts a state of the art electric propulsion system.
Very few original You-You's exist, as such this project required a multifaceted approach including partnering with Bugatti specialists to create fixtures and fittings in keeping with the original designs. Exciting equipment within this project include bespoke castings and navigation lights, collapsible oars and custom made trailers, all with a distinct nod towards Bugatti's original stylings.
The traditional time proven techniques of wooden boat building can be hard to beat, and they are at the heart of what we do, but we don't stop there. The benefits of modern materials and techniques are integral to our work. Recent projects have found joy in this cross pollination between old and new. For example an engine case modelled in CAD, moulded by a CNC router, cold cast in aluminium and carbon fibre, then detailed with copper and solder. An impressive arsenal to pick the best technique from.
Our small dedicated team specialise in highly detailed work and have the expertise to undertake the following:
New concept build and design
Major structural restoration
Interior refit and furniture
Large steam bent timbers
Custom hardware; cast, fabricated, smithied
High finish paint and varnish systems
Electrical systems
Engine and drivetrain installation
Electric propulsion retrofit
Please get in touch if there is something we can help with - it doesn't have to be a boat. Cars and aeroplanes have previously passed through our hands!!